Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est. Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat an.

Sun-Thurs 1p-12am, Fri-Sat 1pm-1am – Horseshoe Las Vegas Lower Level (Hours subject to change)

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July 2022.

Itย’s now long extinct, but when it thrived in remote parts of the Miocene subpolar rainforest, the Hokus vitriflorus, or Giant Vitrifruit Tree, bore remarkable globelike pods made of hardened clear resin and filled with the sweetest nectar. The pods could be plucked and carried away by early hominids for convenient portable refreshment. Or so amateur paleobotanist Allison Kyzmyrik likes to tell people.

In remote mountain towns of Carpathia, children are warned never to pick up dolls they find laying on the sides of lonely paths or abandoned in clearings in the woods. They are a trap laid by the kikimora; she steals the little girl or boy foolish enough to take the doll, and sends home a shambling, hollow-eyed scarecrow in their place.

As if sensing its own pending obsolescence, the clock stopped at 10:07 and 24 seconds, the exact moment when Mrs Geraldine Theiss gave birth to her son George Hamilton Theiss, who would go on to invent the electronic digital watch.

Molly was a good doll. She loved it when Samantha brushed her long hair and fed her chocolate and crickets. She watched from the closet when other girls came over to play, and if they were naughty or said anything mean about Samantha, Molly would come out of the closet and open her mouth up wide wide wide and gobble them right up!

decorative sculpted tree; lacquered rosewood, jade The lucky mandarin tree had been in the family for seven generations, each orange thought to contain the spirits of their ancestors. It would grant a boon at a time of need when an orange was plucked from it and broken open; a great grandmother had been spared the ravages of a deadly flu, an uncle's house was saved from a wildfire, twins who had fallen down a well were rescued. Mei Ling as concerned, though, that her son's irresponsible use of the tree'a tank of gas when he was late for karaoke, a rare set of armor on his online role playing game, a fresh box of his favorite strawberry toaster pastries when he discovered there were only blueberry, cinnamon, and cherry left in the pantryย—may not have been what the ancestors had in mind.

Miss Maureen, the orphanage nurse, was the only tooth fairy the children ever knew. She would give them a penny when she had to pull a rotten tooth, but she sometimes got a little too excited and took an extra one out for her collection.

When Ole Mister Crooks came round the yard singinย’ Stones anย’ Bones, the good kids knew to run on home. Me and Shauney and Peck weren't the good kids. Stones an' Bones was easy: you threw your stone into a round hoop on the ground, an' if you got closest to the marker Mister Crooks laid down, he would reach inside his jacket and pull out a shiny white bone for you, said you could keep it and call on him if you ever needed something. Lotta times, though, Mister Crooks ended up closest to the mark, an' he wanted something for it. Peck had to give him his pinky finger and promise when Mister Crooks called, Peck would do what he asked. Silly stuff, like poisoning the flowers in the church yard, or maybe pouring some pitch on the cross on the altar. After I lost two fingers and

A seed from ancient megaflora found in thawed permafrost near Vladivostok, Russia. Other samples found within the fossilized remains of a large grazing mammal suggests the plantย’s seed evolved to germinate and sprout from within an animalย’s digestive tract rather than passing through after being consumed in fruit.