Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est. Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat an.

Sun-Thurs 1p-12am, Fri-Sat 1pm-1am – Horseshoe Las Vegas Lower Level (Hours subject to change)

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July 2022.

No one was sure where Mister Curliss went, but the Buffalo City Council thought it appropriate to honor him with a memorial near the park bench where he always sat. He would call out predictions prognostications might be a more accurate word to passersby in the park. At first it seemed like lunatic ramblings, but when he told Mrs Jackson where she would find her missing wedding ring, consoled George Perrin the morning he would be laid off, and precisely recounted the score in every quarter of the high school basketball semifinals two days before it happened, people began to take him seriously. The police were able to prevent the assassination of Governor Leeds when he told them the exact day, time, and location from which the bullet would be fired.

The night service bell was all that survived the horrific 1903 fire that destroyed the beloved Western Majestic Lodge, although it may have been better if it hadn’t. Each of the three times the lodge was rebuilt and subsequently burned to the ground, the bell had been rung for service the evening before.

When it was time to move on to new hunting grounds for the season, Amka Itee knew it meant leaving some things behind. She wanted her yup’ik to find a new home, so before the tribe broke camp, she fashioned a small bark boat and set the doll out onto the water of the Nunatuk Fiord, which emptied into Yakutat Bay and, eventually, the North Pacific. 628 days later, the doll was retrieved by Adi Ram on the Samoan island of Upolu.

The bust of Verdi scowled down at Marco Limigni. His original pitch was a modern day homage to La Traviata, a dramatic musical miniseries full of incisive commentary on how the pressures of social media blurred the lines between exploitation and love. The network execs suggested less "thinky-stuff" and more singing competitions and hooking up in jacuzzis, and thus was Who Wants to Make Out with a Pop Star born.

After Perseus beheaded the Medusa, her blood soaked into the ground and from it sprang the amphisbaena, a two-headed serpent that could double itself if ever it was cut down. The blood also polluted the roots of an olive tree, from which this mask was carved, alleged to grant a similar ability should you wear it—though, take care not to lose track of which is the real you.

It delighted the children when Mister Adisa came to the neighborhood. The nomad would appear one morning without announcement and would quickly attract a crowd, with slight-of-hand the adults couldn’t quite explain. Sometimes he would lift his hat and a dove would fly out; other times it was butterflies, or candy and toys for the children. Then, just as suddenly as he came, he would stroll around a corner and vanish.

It was an unnerving thing indeed to take tea in Mrs Hozzipop’s garden; at midday the sun was so very bright, and the flowers gave off an intoxicating perfume that made you dizzy and question your own eyes. You could swear the creamer pot just walked over and poured itself into your cup.

The bear brothers Nooq and Aruis were thought by ancient Celtic tribes to symbolize the duality of nature, night and day. Nooq brought the sun and wind, generous but fickle, while Aruis represented the safety of a den and the comfort of sleep.